2014: The BEST Year of My Life


Something amazing happened this year! God fulfilled a prophecy He gave to me 3 years ago. He sent me to the place He promised to show me. My Abraham Experience as I like to refer to my move to South Africa. He called me to that place. I know that for sure. Even though it was never in my plans to move to another country let alone South Africa, God had a greater plan for my life.

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This year has certainly been a full year! I spent more time in South Africa than in America. Before leaving home God saw fit to completely empty my storage house. God removed anyone and anything that was not fit to travel with me on this leg of my journey. God cleaned house in order to make room for all of the wonderful blessings He had in store for me in South Africa. And boy did He let it rain! Not only did God supply my basic needs of shelter, food, and clothing but He went above and beyond. He not only replaced the things and people He removed, but they were even greater than what I had before. God blessed me with amazing people that loved me, prayed for me, fed me, took care of me, watched out for me and then some.

Me with some of my children at the Lebone Centre
Me with some of my children at the Lebone Centre
Me and all of the amazing women of the Lebone Centre
Me and all of the amazing women of the Lebone Centre
Me and the other Reading Camp Counselors
Me and the other Reading Camp Counselors

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God’s Provision

God taught me the meaning of His provision. I truly understand what it means when the Psalmist writes God is mindful of us. I could be the poster child for God’s provision. God walked with me, beside me, behind me, and before me. God taught me how to trust Him with my everything. Not one day went by where I did not have what I needed. He completely exceeded all of my expectations!

2014-04-18 05.05.37

2014-04-18 10.29.49

Kruger National Park
Kruger National Park
Zulu Dancers
Zulu Dancers
Ushaka Marine World, Durban, South Africa
Ushaka Marine World, Durban, South Africa
Cape Town
Cape Town

Hard Lessons

Not only was my year filled with many many highs and blessed moments, but there were many challenges and even loss I had to face this year. God did a lot of “heart” cleaning this year and exposed certain characteristics and habits in me that I had to let go. I am a firm believer that when you are in a relationship with someone whether it is a romantic or friendship relationship, that other person becomes your mirror. Well since this was the first time in my life living totally by myself, God became my mirror. God reflected some things in me that weren’t so pretty. He showed me me and gave me a chance to change those things that grieve his heart. He showed me how to grow into the women he created me to be. He filled my empty spaces with his love and grace. He convicted my heart and purified my soul. He brought me into completeness. He strengthened our relationship and allowed me to experience God in ways I never imagined. He baptized me in His Spirit. Brought me to my knees literally and spiritually and freed me to come into a place of complete surrender!

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I have no doubt in my mind that my being in South Africa this year was a mistake or accident. God ordered my steps to be in that place at that appointed time. He developed certain characteristics in me that are necessary for me to continue on this journey. Coming to South Africa was the hardest, most challenging, most amazing and life changing decision I have ever made. I can’t imagine my life without this experience. I can’t wait to see all that God has in store for me in 2015! I enter into the New Year with a spirit of YES GOD! A willing spirit. An unashamed spirit. A surrendered spirit. An obedient spirit. Completely and continuously and consciously living a life of saying Yes to God!

Happy New Year!


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